Things really coming together in a good way for the @buddiesofbudgie budgie-daemon work I have been doing.
Spent a bunch of time thinking about the schema for display / mode bits and think I'm fairly happy with the initial pass, but still want to expand on it with getter / setter for specific Properties and supporting PropertiesChanged.
Looked into various options for DBus on C++ and it basically came down to dbus-cxx and sdbus-c++. sdbus-c++ API looked much nicer and they have better documentation, including setting up the conf bits needed for systemd.
sdbus-c++ made it a breeze to get a DBus Server going and C++ generated from the XML schema with sdbus-c++-xml2cpp. Very happy with it so far, but I just plugged in my first method so we'll see how things go as I work on it further
Hopefully distros can get their packages updated to 2.0.0 one of these days though. Noticed both Arch and Fedora are chilling on 1.5.0.
@me @buddiesofbudgie cool looking environment, chill color scheme
@capeta @buddiesofbudgie Thanks. Using "Gruvbox Dark Hard" theme in Zed with Jetbrains Mono font. GTK theme is Materia Dark.
Budgie is fantastic as a desktop environment, getting dangerously close to snagging me away from KDE